Nagios vs Zabbix

February 22, 2022

Nagios vs Zabbix: The Ultimate Showdown

Are you tired of hearing your customers complain about your apps' performance? Or are you a DevOps specialist who wants to prevent the worst before it happens? If you're either of these, you know how crucial it is to have an efficient monitoring system in place. Today, we are gonna compare two of the best-known tools: Nagios and Zabbix.


Nagios is an open-source software that monitors devices, servers, and applications. It has been around since 1999, and it's one of the most popular tools among the DevOps community.

Nagios features a plugin architecture that allows users to add customizations. You can use it to monitor different aspects of your system, such as HTTP, DNS, SMTP, and more. It also has an alert function, which sends notifications when certain metrics go outside predefined thresholds.


Zabbix is a powerful open-source monitoring tool that can monitor thousands of devices using data collection methods, such as SNMP, JMX, and IPMI. Its agent can be installed on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. Zabbix has a high-performance data processing core that can handle large volumes of data, making it ideal for large-scale infrastructures.

Zabbix has a friendly and intuitive interface, which displays different parameters of your system. It allows users to customize its notifications via user-defined actions, email, SMS, and more.


Let's compare Nagios and Zabbix based on features, performance, installation and configuration, customer support, and pricing.


Nagios has a more extensive plugin library which means it can support a wide range of applications and systems, unlike Zabbix. Nagios also has a reliable notification system for alerting users of any issues.

Zabbix, on the other hand, has pre-built templates and dashboards that make it easier to monitor systems. It also has the ability to correlate various metrics, which can identify the root cause of an issue.


Zabbix has a higher data processing capability, making it ideal for larger infrastructures. It can process up to 3.5 million values per second, while Nagios can handle up to 100,000 services.

Installation and Configuration

Nagios can be challenging for beginners to install and configure. It requires setting up plugins that can be time-consuming and require a certain level of technical expertise.

Zabbix provides a bit more support with its installation and configuration process, making it easier for new users to get up and running.

Customer Support

Both Nagios and Zabbix offer extensive documentation, tutorials, and active communities. Nagios has a large and supportive community that has been around for years, while Zabbix offers email and phone support to its enterprise customers.


Nagios is open-source, and you can use it for free. You only need to pay for support if you choose to. Zabbix offers both an open-source version and an enterprise version, which provides additional features and support services for a fee.


In summary, both Nagios and Zabbix are excellent monitoring tools that can help you keep your systems up and running. Each has its unique features and advantages, but your choice will depend on your system's size and complexity.

If you're looking for a monitoring tool for smaller systems or with a lower budget, Nagios might be your best bet. However, if you have a large infrastructure that requires more processing power and automated correlations, Zabbix could be the better option.

In the end, we highly recommend that you try both tools and see which one works best for you.


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